Sunday, November 13, 2011

How can one be so deep in worry?

My mind is so caught up in worry that I cant even tell you the things Im worried about. Everything from the metaphysically abstract to the smallest, most insignificant things. As a result of my unease, during every moment of the day, I'm never able to be me, do things for others or let things happen to me, because my mind is always sped up. It is that up always. I am never really LIVING. Then I say it's this, or it's that, when really, it's nothing... And trying to identify exactly what is I'm doing takes up even more energy. Then I try to go back into the present and remember all the responsibilities I normally would fulfill like being well liked, popular, etc... Then I stop and think, these things come easily and naturally for you... Why are you trying so hard? It's the thought I put to all of IT that's getting in the way. I deal with these questions on a regular, moment to moment basis. All it is is wasted energy, worrying bout things I can't and don't need to do! But I can never recognize the pointlessness of it all--instead my mind just runs deeper and deeper into it....(To my old friends, the issue is still here! I missed you all greatly, xoxo. Hope you are well!)

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