Friday, November 11, 2011

Hillary Clinton Was on Wal-Mart's Board of Directors for Six Years?

You are right about her but she and bill are so wishywashy though it is hard to say they are liberal or conservative. Remember her husband always takes credit for the 90's economic boom when in truth the economy was on track to an upturn when the first bush was in office. It was he and ronald reagan who laid the foundation for the 90's economy than a republican congress with mr. bill going along with them most of the time that led to the boom thats right he voted as a conservative most of the time as far as the economy and military went problem is he is just a coward deep down inside so he can never really be a true strong on defense president. Really the only thing liberal they tried to do in the 90's was hillary's healthcare reform fiasco which if she failed so miserably then how will she be this strong leader she portrays herself to be also she looked pretty weak with all of bill's infidelities that she did nothing about for decades. On the war she has flipflopped more than kerry ever thought of doing. She voted for the war then she said she was duped by bush into doing it (which considering how the libs here say bush is so stupid all the time, what does that make her if he could fool her so easily lol) which anyone with half a brain could tell he was getting ready to invade iraq so her argument that she thought he bluffing war to let the inspectors do their job is a joke, sounds alot like clinton's stories to cover up his marital infidelities. If you have paid attention to her recent stances (yes stances being plural because their are quite of few different stances) she first wanted strategic redeployment lol, then a pullout, last I heard she was going to keep troops to go after al qaeda and train the iraqi forces, and she was talking about escalating troop levels in afghanistan which will only make things worse there because they like the iraqis need to do their own fighting. So anyone that votes for her thinking the wars will end and all the troops will come home are in for a big surprise. The way I see it the only thing her and bill are really good at are lying their way out of their mistakes usually by playing the right wing conspiracy card to stir up all the liberals and by doing that the libs don't even realize that they are quite conservative.

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